The test for the morality of our society,
is what it does for it's children.
author/Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Take a look around and you will see that we have failed them,
in more ways than we can imagine.
It doesn't get any better to realize your little ones have survived such a big moment in there entrance in to this life, yet, not one you would have expected.
Everyone has there own hurdles in life some small, some not so small, but we all have them. For me, this hurdle was my toughest by far. I found in these two little guys a spot in my heart that I had no idea exisited.
I didn't know how deep a love could actually go and then there they were, and everything else well, it just didn't seem important.
To this day when I look at the pictures, the clothes from the hospital, the foot prints on the back of the hospital name cards.
Aren't they just too cute?
It was those two who put my life on a different path, a hard place that lead to a better path, a life changing path, that made me a better person in every way possible.
It's a long road for a preemie to catch up to what should have been it's natural beginning. They stay tiny for quite some time, which is why, no matter how big they get, no matte where they are, they will always be my babies.